Today’s the day Walsall children have their secondary school confirmed

Thousands of children across the borough will receive their offer of a secondary school place today (1 March).

Today is National Offer Day, when children up and down the country find out which secondary school they have been allocated for the 2022/23 academic year.

In Walsall, 3,836 applications were received on time. This is an increase of 129 applications from last year’s figure. Of those, 3055 applicants (79.6%) received their first preference, 400 (10.4%) their second preference and 122 (3.2%) their third preference.

Every applicant who applied on time has been offered a place at a school for September 2022. Parents and carers can express preferences for up to five schools and 94.6% of children received an offer of a place at one of their preferred schools.

Councillor Chris Towe, portfolio holder for education and skills, Walsall Council said:

“We are pleased that by working with our secondary schools we have been able to offer more children their preferred schools, even though there was a higher demand for places. The council has worked closely with Walsall families to encourage more on time applications being submitted and this was well received.

“I offer my thanks, as always, to our schools for their commitment and support and would take this opportunity to wish all the children who start their secondary education in September 2022 every success for the future.”

There were 208 (5.4%) families who were allocated a place at an alternative school rather than at one of their preferred schools. Of these, 83 families had only included one preference on their application form.

Councillor Towe added:

“Putting down only one school doesn’t increase your chances of getting a place at that school. We have always strongly recommended that all families contact their preferred schools before submitting an application, use all five preferences on their application form and make sure they get their applications in on time.”

The application process for school places is now entirely online, meaning parents can view their results on offer day by logging into Walsall Council’s School Admissions Portal. The council will also be sending emails to the families of all those children who submitted on time applications today to confirm their school allocation.

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