Tamworth celebrating the King’s Coronation in style

Coronation plans for Tamworth announced Celebrate the Coronation in the Castle Grounds and the Assembly Rooms Pre book activities will be on sale soon via The Assembly Rooms website

Tamworth celebrations to mark the Coronation of His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen Consortover the weekend of the 5-9 May, are unveiled by Tamworth Borough Council.

The council is pulling out all the stops to help celebrate the Coronation, with parties, events and fun throughout the extended coronation weekend including live outdoor performances, storytelling, puppetry, magician shows, cinema at the Assembly Rooms, community sports events including a 2km and 5km fun run, The Big Lunch, outdoor inflatable obstacle course from The Realm, Hamsterzorb and cream teas!

Four days of celebrations start in the day on Friday 5 May with cinema screening at the Assembly Rooms and carry on throughout the whole bank holiday weekend.

Grab your tickets for ‘Cinema at the Assems’ for Friday 5 May, then head over to the Castle Grounds bandstand from 2pm for live music. Afternoon teas are available too – pre order yours so you don’t miss out.

On Saturday 6 May and Sunday 7 May, families are invited to take part in free sports activities, including a ‘royal funrun’, a piggyback race and tug of war in the Castle Grounds.

Throughout both days families will also be able to book tickets for ‘The Realm’ outdoor inflatable obstacle challenge for children 12 years old and younger, or the Hamserzorb which is available for people of all ages.

If you prefer something more relaxing, the performance tent will be open from 11am showcasing outdoor theatre, storytelling and puppetry. Plus, live music in the afternoon from the Bandstand.

Bring a picnic to the lower lawn and join in with The Big Lunch on Sunday 7 May from 12noon. This event is part of a countrywide Coronation Big Lunch which encourages everyone to join for a picnic and celebrate. Enjoy an afternoon of live music at the bandstand, meet with friends and family for an informal lunch party.

Food stalls will also be on site along with walkabout character and loads more fun for the whole family. Entry to the event is free.

On Sunday, the fun packed day will finish with an invitation event for a charity workers ‘thank you celebration’ at the Assembly Rooms.


Monday 8 May sees the national Big Help Out take place, where local community groups and volunteers are invited to mark the Coronation of His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen Consort, by joining together and helping in our local communities. Everyone is welcome to help in any way they can. This can include from checking in on someone who would like company or volunteering for a charity. You can find out more via: https://thebighelpout.org.uk.

Anica Goodwin, Executive Director for Tamworth Borough Council, said: “We are excited to bring some great community events together to mark such a momentous occasion of the Coronation of His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen Consort.

“Bringing the community together in celebration is something we don’t often have the opportunity to do. We have a lot to be thankful for and a lot to celebrate, so we hope residents and visitors will join us over the extended weekend for fun and entertainment.”

Groups, communities and individuals who want to celebrate in their own way or plan a party, can find a host of helpful resources here The Coronation of The King and The Queen Consort | The Royal Family.

Most activities will be free, excluding the inflatables, Hamsterzorb and Cinema at the Assems, which will need a paid ticket available from the Assembly Rooms booking office or website:https://www.tamworthartsandevents.co.uk/

Further updates, the full schedule and details of how to register for the fun runs will be available online at https://www.tamworthartsandevents.co.uk/ in the coming weeks.

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