Public meeting to help shape future of Travel Assist service

The City Council will be holding a public meeting on the 24th November to hear the view of families, carers and schools to shape the future of the Travel Assist service.

As a result of consistent failings, an independent inquiry was launched in September to provide detailed recommendations setting out what needs to change to improve the service in the medium and long term.

The City Council commissioned Ernst Young LLP, an independent organisation with a decade of experience of working with local authorities and transforming council services to undertake this inquiry. 

The meeting on 24 November will be the first opportunity for stakeholders to hear EY’s findings and ask questions of the Inquiry team.  

Cllr Ian Ward, Leader of Birmingham City Council said: "We wanted key stakeholders, particularly parents and carers, to be the first to have sight of the Inquiry’s findings and offer feedback. We know that the performance of the Travel Assist Service has not been good enough for some time. We are determined to get it right working in partnership with those who know the service best, and this meeting is the first step.”

Following the public meeting a report will be presented to City Council’s Cabinet on 15 December 2020 setting out the Council’s response to the Inquiry and plan of action for the implementation of its recommendations. The Inquiry’s report will also be reviewed by the Council’s Education and Children's Social Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee.

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