A Wolverhampton landlord has been fined £6,000 for failing to licence a house in multiple occupation (HMO).
City of Wolverhampton Council prosecuted Ms Aunberin Saddique after it was discovered she was operating the property in Hordern Road, without a licence.
Ms Saddique, of Maythorne Gardens, Wolverhampton, pleaded guilty to the offence under the Housing Act 2004.
She had previously been convicted of the same offence in relation to another HMO in 2012.
Dudley Magistrates Court issued Ms Saddique with a £6,000 fine for the repeat offence and she was ordered to pay prosecution costs of £2,341 and a victim surcharge of £181.
Mandatory licensing of HMOs came into force in 2006 as a way of making sure that properties occupied by five or more tenants who share basic facilities are assessed by the council to ensure they are safe and suitably managed.
The council’s private sector housing team encourages anyone operating an unlicensed HMO with five or more residents to contact the council to discuss applying for a licence. Residents living in a HMO should also contact the council for reassurance that their property has a licence.
Cabinet Member for City Assets and Housing at City of Wolverhampton Council, Councillor Jacqueline Sweetman, said: “The council takes a strong stance on HMO licensing and I hope this case will serve as a stark reminder to private sector landlords that they must comply with the HMO rules.
“Where properties are found to be operating without the required licence, the council will take steps to secure a licence application and ensure the HMO is safe to live in.
“Where unlicensed HMOs are identified, the council will consider legal action, which can involve prosecution in court and financial penalties of up to £30,000.”
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