The tables were well and truly turned on a member of WMAS staff earlier this week when she received a prestigious national award.

Jenny Hubble is usually the person who organises the West Midlands Ambulance Service awards ceremonies, but on Monday it was she herself who was on stage picking up an award for her outstanding work. 

Jenny, from Dudley, received the ‘Exceptional Support Service Staff’ award at the annual Ambulance Leadership Forum, which is run by the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE). 

Jenny has one of the most important jobs in our Trust – organising the awards ceremonies that recognise the efforts of staff, volunteers and partners, which attracts upwards of 500 individuals each year. 

In addition, over the last 12 months she has assisted in the distribution of thousands of Platinum Jubilee Medals as well as the AACE Jubilee Coins. 

WMAS People Director, Carla Beechey, said: “Jenny is one of the great unsung heroes of our service who puts in an immense amount of work to make sure our people get the recognition they deserve. 

“It is therefore fitting that she has received national recognition for her work.  We regularly get calls from other emergency services and NHS organisations asking about our awards ceremonies because they are so well received.

“It was nice to be able to give back something to someone who works so hard to make others feel appreciated.”

Jenny added: “I have to say I was a little taken aback when I found out I had not only been nominated but was also to get the award. 

“I am only doing my job and certainly don’t do it for recognition; in fact, I much prefer to stay behind the scenes, so it was bit strange being up on the stage receiving my award. 

“One of the best parts of my job is when you see so many happy faces on awards nights.  I get to read about so many cases where staff have gone above and beyond what might normally be expected and to see that recognised and celebrated is so rewarding.” 

Jenny is pictured receiving her award from AACE Chair and North West Ambulance Service CEO, Daren Mochrie.

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