Face to face customer services to open at Marmion House early 2025

Customer service front desk to open at Marmion House Council meetings to return to committee room at Marmion Refurbishment and upgrade work to take approximately four months

Cabinet on Monday 16 September made the decision to open a customer services reception at Marmion House.

This new service will provide face-to-face customer services which meet the needs of the whole community, Monday, Wednesday, Friday between 10.00am and 2.00pm and Tuesday and Thursday 2.00pm - 6.00pm.

There is no change to the face-to-face service at the Assembly Rooms, services available over the phone, online or through apps such as MyHousing and MyTamworth. 

To explain this decision, Councillor Lewis Smith, portfolio holder for people services, leisure and engagement, said: “Residents have consistently been telling councillors and the council for a number of years that they want a face-to-face customer service desk in Marmion House, additional to the service at the Assembly Rooms. As a new political administration, we simply could not continue to ignore the voice of residents on this matter.”

In the same meeting, cabinet also approved to move committee meetings from the Town Hall to Marmion House. This move increases accessibility for councillors and enhances operational efficiency as staffing is only necessary at one venue.

Refurbishment work and updating technology is necessary before the new reception can open. It is expected to cost around £150,000 in the first year to carry out the refurbishment and staff service, with ongoing costs of less than £60,000 every year after. It is anticipated the new service will open early 2025.

Council meetings are broadcast on YouTube, but the existing broadcasting technology no longer meets its intended purpose and offers an unsatisfactory experience for remote viewers. Therefore, it is also necessary to upgrade the out-dated audio-visual equipment used for council meetings. It is anticipated meetings will take place at Marmion House from the new year.

Councillor Lewis Smith went on to say: “Work now starts to implement these plans over the next few months, with the hope of opening the new service to residents early 2025. Alongside supporting the residents of Tamworth, the front desk opening will allow a number of council services to use this space and continue their work with community groups and the voluntary sector.”

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