Covid Compliance Scheme grants funding expanded

Hospitality venues hosting parties and events could be eligible for financial support to help invest in Covid safe practices over the busy festive period.

Eligible businesses now have the potential to secure grants of up to £2,000 from the Covid Compliance Scheme to help fund cleaning supplies, hand sanitiser and other practices to help reduce the spread of the virus.

The limit has been increased from £1,000 and businesses that have previously received a grant from the Covid Compliance Scheme are eligible for additional funds and should apply using their original grant reference number.

Venues must comply with advice provided by City of Wolverhampton Council’s Covid Business Support team to receive funding and businesses must be Covid compliant to apply.

To become Covid compliant, businesses will need to be inspected by a member of the Council’s Covid Business Support team. Businesses must have Covid safe measures in place, in line with their risk assessments, and adopt recommendations made by the Council.

Businesses will also be encouraged to promote the Council’s latest safety campaigns, including Ask for Angela, the Safe Haven and the Get Home Safe initiative, to ensure people feel safe in the city.

Councillor Steve Evans, Cabinet Member for City Environment and Climate Change, said: “Our Environmental Health and Public Health teams have worked extremely hard to help keep Wolverhampton as safe as possible for businesses and members of the public.

“Now we’re in the busy festive period, it’s more important than ever for businesses to remain cautious and continue to adopt Covid safety measures to reduce the risk of infection for their customers and staff.”

Officers from the Council’s Environmental Health team, working alongside Covid Support Advisors, have completed over 3,300 premises visits offering advice and support in achieving Covid compliance.

Any businesses who require a Covid compliant inspection, or would like support in achieving Covid compliance, can email the Environmental Health team at

Details on how to apply for a Covid Compliance Scheme grant can be found at COVID Compliant Scheme Grant | City Of Wolverhampton Council

If you need help with your grant application or have a general query, you can get in touch with the Business Grants team by emailing or calling the business support phone line on 01902 290242 between 9am and 5pm from Monday to Thursday or from 9am to 4.30pm on Fridays.

The Environmental Health team has also produced a series of interactive business support webinars, in partnership with Public Health, to help break down guidance, explain regulations and assist with Covid compliance.

The webinars are updated as new guidance is issued and they can be accessed on the Council’s Trade with Confidence webpage.

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