Through its internal Resources and Transformation team, Walsall Council enjoyed a successful 2023, boasting a 0% gender pay gap, national recognition at the Public Finance Awards and National Apprenticeship Awards, and over £225million in savings reported since 2010. But there is still work to be done.
Walsall Council’s portfolio holder for Internal Services, Councillor Ken Ferguson, is due to present a briefing to cabinet on Monday 8 January 2024 that will outline future plans to help the Council deliver its ambitious vision and enable continuous improvement.
Councillor Ken Ferguson, Portfolio Holder for Internal Services, said: “2024 and beyond is an exciting time for the Resources and Transformation team. With a new Chief Executive in post, there are significant opportunities to work across the Council to deliver our ambitions for the future.
“An important focus for this year will be supporting with setting the Council’s ambitions in the form of a new Council Plan, building on what residents have said is important to them in the We Are Walsall 2040 consultation that took place in early 2023
“I want to thank all staff most sincerely for their commitment and efforts over the past 12 months as we look forward to an exciting year ahead. Our internal services are often invisible and go un-noticed, but they are increasingly important to us all.”
More than 10,000 Walsall residents and local businesses took part in developing a shared vision for Walsall during the We Are Walsall 2040 consultation. This has helped the Council to form the basis for strategies and plans to improve and enhance the borough.
As well as forming a new Council Plan, the directorate promises to develop a new approach to budget setting, build on the soon to be launched EDI Strategy to improve workforce representation, and develop plans to improve employee retention. They will also develop a new employee benefits package and employee wellbeing offer to support recruitment and retention.
The full Internal Services portfolio briefing can be found online via CMIS.
The Resources and Transformation directorate, incorporating HR, Organisational Development, Administration and Business Support, Transformation and Change, Digital and Technology Services, Information Governance, Finance, Corporate Performance and Corporate Landlord, Legal and Democratic Services, has over 750 FTE staff and is at the heart of driving innovation and change throughout the Council.
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