A programme of work to improve safety for pedestrians on the A34 Green Lane bridge next to Cable Drive has completed this month.
The scheme was delivered for Walsall Council by Currall Lewis & Martin (CLM Construction) Ltd in partnership with Tarmac and the West Midlands Combined Authority.
The eastern side of the A34 Green Lane bridge has been widened to create a new pedestrian footpath to provide safer access to Homeserve and other businesses, without crossing the busy road.
Councillor Adrian Andrew, Associate Leader of Walsall Council, said: “This is one of numerous active travel improvements that have been, or will be, delivered by the Town Deal. Engagement with local businesses in the area showed that the lack of safe pedestrian access is a barrier for local employees, so we hope that widening the bridge to create a new footpath will help improve access for people that work in the area. It’s great to see the finished bridge and you can really tell what a difference the scheme has made.”
Nick Kasmir, Chief Executive of Homeserve, said: “We pushed for safer pedestrian access so I’m pleased to see the work is now complete. It may not look like a big piece of work, but it will make a big difference for staff that live locally and walk to work. Green Lane is a busy road and this will give our employees some peace of mind when travelling on foot.”
The scheme has been funded through Bloxwich Town Deal, creating a new 3-meter-wide pedestrian footway on the eastern side of the bridge. Walsall is in the middle of a £1.5billion programme of investment, of which Walsall and Bloxwich Town Deal make up a considerable part. The widening of Green Lane Bridge is one of many Town Deal funded schemes that will improve active travel and connectivity and create opportunities for local people to access employment and training.
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