Additional Restrictions Grant scheme now open Businesses which are not eligible for the Local Restrictions Support Grant, but are suffering from the impact of the pandemic, are now able to apply for cash from a second fund – The Additional Restrictions Gr

Businesses which are not eligible for the Local Restrictions Support Grant, but are suffering from the impact of the pandemic, are now able to apply for cash from a second fund – The Additional Restrictions Grant. (ARG)

The grant is expected to primarily take the form of discretionary grants to businesses that do not qualify under the Local Restrictions Support Grant scheme. The aim is to provide appropriate support for the remainder of this financial year and going into 2021/22.

There are two schemes under the Additional Restrictions Grant fund - ARG1 and ARG2.

ARG1 is aimed at businesses who were required to close during the national lockdown but not eligible for the previously launched Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG) Closed. This includes companies that operate from a commercial premises but not liable for business rates, market traders and home-based businesses who cannot trade.

Successful applicants will include businesses that were instructed to close from the retail, hospitality, leisure and personal care sectors. They will receive a one off payment of £1,334 to cover the 28 day lockdown period during November.

The Additional Restriction Grants, ARG2, is aimed to assist businesses who were not mandated to close, but who have been severely impacted as they supply goods or ‘business to business services’, to a customer base mandated to close either as a result of a national lockdown or localised tier restrictions. These business would supply to retail, hospitality, leisure and events sectors.

Eligible businesses must be able to evidence a loss of turnover of more than 30%, compared to the same trading period in 2019 with their application.

Business will get a one off payment of £5,000 and recipients will not be allowed to access any further ARG grant until after April 1st 2022.

The following criteria must be satisfied to be eligible for both ARG1 and ARG2:

  • The business must have been open and trading as usual on November 4, 2020
  • The business must not be in administration, insolvent or where a striking-off notice has been given
  • The businesses must not have received support from the Local Restrictions Support Grant

Both ARG1 and ARG2 application forms can be found here:

Applications for the previous support scheme, Local Restrictions Support Grant Closed, which is for those who pay business rates for a premises only, are currently still available via the Tamworth Borough Council website at

Cllr Jeremy Oates, Cabinet member for Heritage and Growth, said: “This pandemic continues to take a huge toll on our local economy and businesses and they need every bit of help they can get.

“Hopefully the new grants will go towards bridging the gap. It is in addition to around £12 million that we have already distributed to local businesses since the start of the pandemic in March.

“We know businesses have been desperately waiting for these funds and we’ll be looking to get money out of the door and into bank accounts where it’s needed as soon as possible. There’s a lot of work that has to go into setting these processes up, to make sure they are robust and able to get funding to those who need it.

“I would encourage any businesses which may be entitled to a grant to check the criteria and apply if they are eligible.”

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