A new digital stop smoking service has been launched to tackle smoking in Walsall.

Walsall Council’s Public Health team is working with MoreLife, a leading healthy lifestyle provider, to roll out the ‘My SmokeFree Life’ app, available to anyone that lives, works, or is registered with a GP in Walsall and is over the age of 18. The app will offer a more accessible approach to stop smoking support, with instant access to information, resources, and support at the tap of a button.

With over 32,000 smokers in Walsall, smoking is the biggest preventable cause of ill health and early death in the area. Walsall residents who sign up will be provided with a structured 12-week digital programme, with continued access to all its features and functions to prevent a return to the expensive, harmful habit. 

Residents will also have the option to speak to a specialist Stop Smoking Advisor via regular telephone calls, as well as free stop smoking treatments including nicotine patches, gum and inhalators sent straight to them if they feel they need extra support; making them three times more likely to quit.  

This free new service will complement the established stop smoking services across Walsall. It is an opportunity to explore how digital technology can reach and engage people in the area and support them to make long-term, sustainable changes to their health and wellbeing.  

Councillor Gary Flint, Portfolio Holder for Wellbeing, Leisure and Public Spaces at Walsall Council, said: 

“We are pleased to be working with MoreLife to provide a digital pathway for smokers to quit the habit for good.  

“Both the app and service are free to download and use. Joining takes a few minutes to complete and once registered, you will be able to unlock the 12-week programme on a weekly basis.  

“The service not only provides health benefits but also money benefits. You will be able to see how much you have saved and the total number of days smoke free. Badges and certificates will be awarded along the way to keep you motivated towards your goal. 

“Existing quit smoking services will continue to be available for anyone who may prefer support in other ways.” 

Caroline Marshall, Clinical Lead for Stop Smoking Services at MoreLife, said:  

“Our stop smoking app offers an accessible, practical solution to receiving evidence-based stop smoking support, either on the go or from the comfort of your own home. With the option of having additional support from a stop smoking advisor and 12 weeks of nicotine replacement products, this is our most flexible and adaptable approach to offering high-quality care.” 

To access the service simply search for My SmokeFree Life on Apple or Google Play stores, visit www.mysmokefreelifewalsall.co.uk or follow the QR code.  

For general information about quit smoking services within vWalsall contact One You Walsall on oneyouwalsall.com or call 01922 444044.

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