£1000 cash incentive for new or returning early years workers in Walsall

Anyone new or returning to the early years sector could be entitled to a ‘golden hello’ payment of £1,000 through the council’s Early Years Financial Incentive (EYFI) scheme.

The council announced it was one of twenty local authorities selected to take part in a national recruitment drive to the early years sector in February this year. 

The aim of the recruitment drive is to help childcare providers in Walsall attract staff and fill vacancies. The scheme also supports the national early years expansion programme, Childcare Choices.

Providers will receive £1,580 for each individual, allowing them to pass on £1,000 to the candidate, and will use the remainder for any tax and national insurance payments. 

How to get involved?

The Early Years Financial Incentive is only offered through a childcare provider that has been granted permission from the local authority to recruit using the incentive as part of the job advert and meets the below criteria. 

Eligibility criteria for providers

• Registered to offer Early Education Funding (EEF) and are currently claiming for children.

• Located within Walsall and has requested permission to recruit using the Financial Incentive as part of the job advert.

• Department for Education are not including Childminder or Reception Class employees in the pilot.

Eligibility criteria for individuals

• New to a career in early years,

• Returning to a career in early years (has not worked in a childcare provider for at least 6 months),

• Position is permanent but it can be full or part time,

• Be working directly with children for at least 70% of time.

How providers can request permission to recruit from the local authority

To get permission to recruit using the Financial Incentive as part of the job advert, please complete the Financial Incentives Template (section one) using the following link https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=x3ncXWl-j0K6MISyShrZlG5rlMTnpFlLoL47foeMs3tUN0JJVU1KWkpQN0xRMTY1VEdLUU03NkMyMi4u.

Please do not advertise any roles using the financial incentive until you have sought permission from the council. If you do the candidate will not be eligible for the financial incentive.

If you want to know more about the scheme, please go to https://www.mywalsall.org/fis/provider-homepage or email the team at EYandChildcareExpansion@walsall.gov.uk.

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