Birmingham Pride

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What will you be doing or want to do on the day, (multiple allowed) *
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Gorgeous Radio (Gorgeous Community Radio CIC) Disclaimer

Please read and acknowledge the following terms and conditions before participating in any activities or events associated with Gorgeous Radio:

You agree to keep any and all views, opinions, or sensitive information encountered during your involvement with Gorgeous Radio strictly confidential and not to share them publicly or privately without explicit permission.
You agree to refrain from consuming any alcoholic beverages while on duty or during any events related to Gorgeous Radio.
You agree not to interact with performers, acts, or special guests unless specifically requested or permitted by Gorgeous Radio management.
You agree not to bring any guests, including friends or family members, to any events or areas designated for Gorgeous Radio personnel unless approved by Gorgeous Radio Management and Pride Team, before event.
You acknowledge that individuals under the age of 18 are not permitted backstage or in restricted areas unless accompanied by a parent or guardian and with prior approval from Gorgeous Radio management.
You agree to conduct yourself in a professional and respectful manner at all times during the Pride event, recognising the diverse and inclusive nature of the celebration.
You agree to adhere to all backstage rules and guidelines, ensuring that you respect the privacy and space of performers and crew members.
You agree to treat all attendees, participants, and colleagues with the utmost respect and courtesy, maintaining a welcoming and positive atmosphere.
You agree not to take photographs or make recordings of any kind without prior authorisation from Gorgeous Radio management.
You agree to adhere to the prescribed dress code for the event, ensuring that your attire is appropriate and professional.
You agree to familiarise yourself with and adhere to all emergency procedures and safety protocols in place for the event.
You agree to comply with all local, regional, and national laws while representing Gorgeous Radio.

By checking these boxes and signing your name below, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions outlined in this disclaimer.


On Air Now Craig Wright 10:00am - 1:00pm
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